Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bella Bear is 7 weeks and 4 days!! We just love her to pieces! She is so clever; laughing, trying to talk, holding her head up...I could go on and on! She is very excited for her Mimi and Poppy to come out for a visit soon!

Here a some pics of her first dip in the ocean with Dad! The first of many! Australian Fathers day and others:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am dying over her right now!!! SHe couldn't possibly be any more adorable!!! I LOVE all of these pictures! The second one is sooooo adorable! And I love her smiley one:) Leave it up to your baby to smile at such a young age. She is smiling because she has the best parents!! So in love with her already, shellie PS send me you skype name! mine is mclove4444
